Dear Parents,
We opened KiddieLand because we share a deep passion for quality childcare. We believe children need a safe and trusted environment to develop during these critical years and wanted to create a place for them to learn, develop, explore and most importantly – have fun! We believe KiddieLand represents these principles and more. It is an environment where children can learn and enhance their languages without any pressure, encouraging “out of the box” thinking.
The space has been carefully selected and designed to be child-friendly and conveniently located for easy access to parks. We even have a spacious indoor playground for stormy days. While they are here, we provide your children nutritious meals prepared in our kitchen using bio and locally sourced ingredients.
We understand that this is an important decision for you and hope that you will come meet with us at KiddieLand to see that our top priority is that your child is cared for and safe.
Warmest regards,
Your KiddieLand Team